
I am failing to update this blog! Sorry to the folks who follow me here. I’m working on building a new wordpress site that can be followed by rss AND connects to patreon. Stay tuned. Today’s piece: Trump is still trying to kill Medicaid.

Guns and Cars and Danger

Guns kill more people than cars for the first time since the CDC began tracking causes of death for Americans. Why? Cars have been regulated for safety, companies have invested in safety, individuals have been legally required to be safe, and both individuals and companies are legally liable. Guns … not so much. Thanks NRA!

The Death of an Autistic Child in School

New: Restraint in schools and the death of #MaxBenson. “It shouldn’t take the death of a teenage boy to stop overuse of restraint in schools. But, given how ingrained such practices are in our educational systems, and the 120,000 kids experiencing restraint or seclusion each year, I’m worried this one death won’t be enough.”

Disability and the Death Penalty

I am just finishing edits on my sixth piece on the death penalty in the last two years for Pacific Standard. Here’s what I’ve written: First the Supreme Court established a better standard for determining whether someone was intellectually disabled (and thus protected from execution) by overturning the “Lennie” standard. Because Texas asked juries to … Continue ReadingDisability and the Death Penalty