I will be on HuffPost Live at 12:30 ET/11:30 CT as part of a 30-minute panel discussion of disability and politics, prompted by the release of a detailed Plan to Support Children, Youth, and Adults Living with Autism and their Families.
Here’s the link to the segment.
- Here is the best piece I’ve read on the plan, from an autistic reporter, interviewing autistic activists. It’s a mixed set of reactions and you should read the whole piece.
I also spoke briefly with Ari Ne’eman, president of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (and someone I talk to and quote frequently on these issues). He confirmed that the Clinton campaign consulted with ASAN (and surely other groups, including Autism Speaks – I have a query out to them) in building their plan, that no other campaign has done so yet, but that ASAN remains ready and willing to talk to them.
See you on air, later!