My piece on Eden Foods has been pegged to the top of the recommended list on DailyKOS for a day now. What I like about DK is that it’s a hugely discursive community always ready to wade in with debate and discussion. The comments are worth reading (no, really. I know, it’s the internet, I’m as surprised as you.
The Good Men Project picked up my essay on our Down syndrome diagnosis. I’m really proud of that essay. It made me weepy to write. It made people weepy to read. I think it hits hard and makes the argument I want it to make. I’d like it read more widely, so if you decided to go to the site at GMP and hit tweet or share, I’d appreciate it very much.
And now, music.
Have you just been sitting around the house, pondering when it was time to join the kickstarter for my amazing Irish band, The Tooles?
You have?
Good news, we are at $2997 of $3500. We do need help pushing towards goal though and I don’t want us to stall. Therefore, like a public radio host stopping your favorite program to beg for money, I’m down on my knees. Or I would be if they weren’t so sore from all the dancing.
This is a viable project. We have a CD of great songs. Each one is an original pub song written by me or Kurt, infused with traditional fiddle melodies by Amy. People hear them for the first time and sing along. They have never been recorded anywhere in the history of anything (well, except on youtube a time or two, from fans). We have both “the usual” gifts for donations as well as some particularly fun and cool ones. And we still need help.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled Internet.