I spent a busy weekend recording a live album with my band The Tooles. Someday, I fully intend to ask you to consider buying a copy. Other than that, midterms and book proofs have taken up most of my time, but I wrote four blog posts.
- Next week Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will likely become chair of the Senate Budget Committee. This is bad news for people who like thinking and learning, including the NEH. Unfortunately, the NEH has gone about reacting to this likelihood in the worst way possible.
- Then I reacted to a review of Katha Pollitt’s new book Pro with some thoughts on a pro-choice and anti-eugenic rhetoric, and the work we need to do there. Pollitt and I have exchanged a few emails on the topic. We’ll see how it goes.
- Next, here’s a piece on Wesley Lowery’s question of how police should approach a situation in which there’s a person with a history of mental illness who is armed with a knife.
- Finally, the way that “I don’t see race” and the Hollaback street harassment video in fact enabled a #notallmen approach.
Next week is crunch time for proofs. Thanks for sticking with me as I finish this process.