Later, Wong teamed up with Gregg Beratan and Andrew Pulrang to create #CripTheVote, a powerful online activist network of people working to politicize and organize disabled individuals and communities.
The DVP NOW HAS A PATREON AND YOU SHOULD SUPPORT IT (if you do Patronage, which many of you do!). Wong writes:
Your donation will help make stories accessible and shareable. Take a listen to some oral histories by disabled people from the Disability Visibility Projectâ„¢ (transcript in link):
Instead of rewards, your contribution will sustain the Disability Visibility Projectâ„¢ and allow it to expand and grow. All of the content is free. Your donation will do the following:
Support Disabled Writers
Support Accessible Media
Support Disability Culture and History
Support Disability Media
Support Original Work and ActivismHere are some examples of what your donation will pay for:
Guest blog posts by disabled writers.
Transcription of audio and video for accessible media.
Community-based projects and events highlighting disabled lives.
Disabled artists, educators, and writers to create curricula and other materials for research, cultural, and educational purposes.
Freelancers to assist with audio production and other activities for the DVP website.
Monthly fees associated with web hosting, cloud storage, and multimedia (specific amounts here).
Events and presentations about disability history, culture, and activism.
Depending on the fundraising goals reached, a DVP podcast that will feature a roundtable discussion on the critical issues facing disabled people today.
My time, energy, and labor. I will be focusing on the DVP full-time starting January 2017.
Note that last bullet point. Wong has done all this without resources as a part-time job. It’s time to help her make the leap to full-time community organization and leadership.
I’m going to make a Patreon account for the first time and donate. Join me.