Work is Work!

On International May Day I wrote a little hymn. I wrote: Teaching is work. Programming is work. Scholarship is work. Science is work. Grading is work. Committee service is work. Today Chronicle Vitae published a column on academic work as labor, as work. It’s a linked column to this first piece on the language of adjunct … Continue ReadingWork is Work!

Working Dad

I have a new piece in the Chronicle today on being a “working dad,” a phrase I intend to own and explicate a lot over the next year. It ends: Academic dads operate with the privilege of separating their home life from their work life in ways unavailable to women. We get to be silent … Continue ReadingWorking Dad

Resources: Trigger Warnings in the Classroom

The issue of trigger warnings in the classroom, whether they are useful, attack academic freedom, are to protect our helicopter-parented elite students, or what, has become a fairly important topic in higher ed circles. I’m writing an essay on it now. Here is a list of resources. Please recommend additional materials. Start with Amanda Marcotte … Continue ReadingResources: Trigger Warnings in the Classroom

Management or Administration?

In the Chronicle of Higher Education, on my first piece about customer service, I made this comment: “Faculty members respond to the student-as-consumer by teaching defensively, fearing the management that we formerly referred to as administration. But administrators administrate on behalf of the faculty. Employees delivering customer service get managed.” It’s kind of a throwaway … Continue ReadingManagement or Administration?

Scholarship = work. Blogging = work. Scholarship != Blogging.

Blogging is not (necessarily or probably) scholarship. Who cares? That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t count. There was a great session at the OAH (Organization of American Historians) annual conference last month on blogging and scholarship (summary, critique, and video, another summary and critique here, Ann Little’s introductory remarks here). The general conclusion is no, blogging isn’t scholarship. … Continue ReadingScholarship = work. Blogging = work. Scholarship != Blogging.

Adjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.

Adjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.  Staff are Labor. Administrators, well, that’s more complicated. What’s a “Chair” anyway? More on that later (and in the meantime follow that link for a good piece on definitions). I am going to be writing regular columns for the Chronicle and Chronicle Vitae over the … Continue ReadingAdjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.