Transphobia and Miscegenation – Won’t Somebody Think of the (Cis-gendered) Children

My first ever op-ed was published in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul Star Tribune. It was in 2006 and on the use of medieval rhetoric to talk about modern problems in the Middle East, a situation that continues today. Over the weekend, the Star Tribune published this full-page ad raising the worst kind of fear-mongering about transgendered … Continue ReadingTransphobia and Miscegenation – Won’t Somebody Think of the (Cis-gendered) Children

Rethinking Trigger Warnings – David Sedaris and This American Life

[Content Note: Ableist Speech including use of the “r-word.” Later, I quote a passage from Huckleberry Finn that contains the n-word, not spelled out.] This post works with a 1996 piece from David Sedaris and This American Life that contains terrible depictions of the intellectually disabled. It was re-broadcast in 2013. I’d like to see content notes … Continue ReadingRethinking Trigger Warnings – David Sedaris and This American Life

Resource Post: This American Life and Down Syndrome

Resource Posts on “How Did We Get Into This Mess?” provide full or partial transcripts of relevant documents, organized links, and minimal commentary on issues.  A fellow parent and internet friend alerted me to a show on This American Life in which Wyatt Cenac, former Daily Show correspondent and comedian, made some jokes about Down syndrome. … Continue ReadingResource Post: This American Life and Down Syndrome

Girls and Science – Makers vs a Scientific American Blogger

So Verizon and Makers teamed up to make a great new video about the insidious ways that we push girls away from science. I am always suspicious of corporations getting involved in social causes, as they tend to be followers rather than leaders. Still, Makers is pretty great and I think the video highlights some typical … Continue ReadingGirls and Science – Makers vs a Scientific American Blogger

Adjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.

Adjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.  Staff are Labor. Administrators, well, that’s more complicated. What’s a “Chair” anyway? More on that later (and in the meantime follow that link for a good piece on definitions). I am going to be writing regular columns for the Chronicle and Chronicle Vitae over the … Continue ReadingAdjuncts are Labor. Professors are Labor. Graduate Students are Labor.

I can’t do your show tonight, I’m taking care of my kids

The day Pope Francis was elected, I got an email from local news asking me to be on a panel to discuss the new papacy. I demurred. First, I’m not really an expert on twenty-first century Catholicism. Oh, I know the macro just fine, but I don’t have the whole cast of characters memorized. On … Continue ReadingI can’t do your show tonight, I’m taking care of my kids

Autism Speaks, But Not For Everyone. Say No to Blue-Washing.

Here is a tl;dr – Support ASAN over Autism Speaks, Ok? If you want to know why, read on. April is Autism Awareness Month. It’s also Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a fact for which I was not aware until after I wrote yesterday’s topical post. I wasn’t really aware of AAM either until yesterday’s tweets … Continue ReadingAutism Speaks, But Not For Everyone. Say No to Blue-Washing.