Gender, Science, and the Discovery of Trisomy-21 (Down syndrome)

Go to for the full comic. It’s good. It’s not exactly news that women have often been denied credit for their contributions to major scientific discoveries or inventions. Rosalind Franklin, one of the discoverers of DNA, is justifiably the most famous, and her case still infuriates. Gender bias in the classroom still raises barriers for women … Continue ReadingGender, Science, and the Discovery of Trisomy-21 (Down syndrome)

Inclusion not Same-ness: Nico’s holiday performance

As promised on Friday, here’s a video of Nico’s fall performance that illustrates my principle of “inclusion, not same-ness.” Inclusion is complicated. We demand reasonable accommodations, and we sometimes get them without litigating “reasonable,” but inclusion requires thoughtful, intentional, good-will from all parties. Sometimes inclusion means bringing someone into a group and enabling them to … Continue ReadingInclusion not Same-ness: Nico’s holiday performance

Nico and Me

Nico was awake at about 6 AM. I could hear him rocking around in his bed, so came downstairs and climbed him with him. Around 8:45, he woke up, rolled onto his back, peered at me blearily, crossed his arms over his chest, and said, “Love.” I have many new followers now, thanks to the … Continue ReadingNico and Me