What is Education For? – To Kill a Mockingbird and Medieval Literature

Guest Post by Eric Weiskott. Weiskott teaches medieval English poetry at Boston College; he’s working on a book about the division of the past into medieval and modern periods. Last month Biloxi School District administrators pulled Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird from the junior high curriculum. “There is some language in the book that makes … Continue ReadingWhat is Education For? – To Kill a Mockingbird and Medieval Literature

Handwriting with Tears; Don’t cry for cursive.

There’s a handwriting system that my son’s teachers use called “Handwriting without Tears.” They have an app (that I don’t really like) and all kinds of classroom curricula (which teachers seem to like). I always laugh a little at the name, because for me, handwriting caused tears. As an adult, I’ve come to terms with … Continue ReadingHandwriting with Tears; Don’t cry for cursive.

“It’s so sad when people have special needs”: Thoughts on Inclusion from the Bus Stop

Not Nico’s Actual Bus “It’s so sad when people have special needs.” A caring, sweet, 4th-grader said this to me at the bus stop a few minutes ago. My son and I crossed the street, running and laughing, happy. Then he asked me to go see a dog that was being walked across the grass, … Continue Reading“It’s so sad when people have special needs”: Thoughts on Inclusion from the Bus Stop