Frozen vs Little Mermaid: Two Anthems, Two Generations. I want vs I am.

How is a daddy supposed to deal with Disney? My daughter, who is not quite 5, sings “Let it Go” at me approximately eight thousand times a day. What she lacks in intonation she more than makes up with the verve and gusto with which she goes after the song, not to mention the slamming … Continue ReadingFrozen vs Little Mermaid: Two Anthems, Two Generations. I want vs I am.

Gender, Science, and the Discovery of Trisomy-21 (Down syndrome)

Go to for the full comic. It’s good. It’s not exactly news that women have often been denied credit for their contributions to major scientific discoveries or inventions. Rosalind Franklin, one of the discoverers of DNA, is justifiably the most famous, and her case still infuriates. Gender bias in the classroom still raises barriers for women … Continue ReadingGender, Science, and the Discovery of Trisomy-21 (Down syndrome)

Sexism in fandom and Bullying (in which Jonathan Ross calls me a [poor] journalist)

Lately, thanks to a long and thoughtful thread on Steve Brust’s blog (which you should read), discussions about sexual harassment in fandom, the fake geek girl issues, and so forth – I’ve been thinking a lot about online bullying, gender, power, and the speculative fiction community. Especially in the SFWA (Science-Fiction Writers of America), issues pertaining to … Continue ReadingSexism in fandom and Bullying (in which Jonathan Ross calls me a [poor] journalist)