Mindless Anti-Medieval Mythography; Anti-Vaxers are not medieval – they are dangerously modern.

I am perpetually fascinated by the way that “medieval” is code for barbaric, backwards, savage, and the like. The phrase “get medieval” seems to have originated (or at least moved into widespread use) as a result of Pulp Fiction, in which Ving Rhames’ character, after being freed by Bruce Willis’ character, tells his rapist that … Continue ReadingMindless Anti-Medieval Mythography; Anti-Vaxers are not medieval – they are dangerously modern.

The Irish Famine and the Discourse of Poverty; or Why Paul Ryan should study history

As many of you know, I am not just a father, husband, professor, columnist, and blogger – I’m also a musician. I play in two Irish pub bands: The Tooles and Mulligan Stew. As a result, the last few days have been busy, with more shows to come. Last summer, I played the Iowa Irish … Continue ReadingThe Irish Famine and the Discourse of Poverty; or Why Paul Ryan should study history

What should you tell your kids about Columbus

My daughter has been inundated with Columbus this year, and apparently someone dressed as Columbus came to visit her school. I’m sure my son has gotten plenty too. I’ve been pondering how to de-mythologize Columbus to kids without resorting to hyperbole, facts not in evidence, retroactively imposing modern standards on him, or otherwise creating an … Continue ReadingWhat should you tell your kids about Columbus