Inclusion, not Same-ness: Walgreens and the Disability Cliff

Over the last few months, I have been focusing more on “the cliff,” which is a way some disability advocates refer to turning 22 in our system. Until then, special education provides support for school, training, and even certain kinds of therapies and other activities throughout a child’s life. At 22, nothing. Work is hard … Continue ReadingInclusion, not Same-ness: Walgreens and the Disability Cliff

“It’s so sad when people have special needs”: Thoughts on Inclusion from the Bus Stop

Not Nico’s Actual Bus “It’s so sad when people have special needs.” A caring, sweet, 4th-grader said this to me at the bus stop a few minutes ago. My son and I crossed the street, running and laughing, happy. Then he asked me to go see a dog that was being walked across the grass, … Continue Reading“It’s so sad when people have special needs”: Thoughts on Inclusion from the Bus Stop