Weekly Roundup

I have some new opportunities for regular published work, so the blog may slow down a bit. I’m very excited about it, but don’t want to jinx it yet. Stay tuned! Then again, writing usually inspires more writing, so I may do even more blogging, especially of link collections and resources. I finished March with … Continue ReadingWeekly Roundup

Cardinal’s Law (A corollary of Godwin’s Law) – The Church, Sex Abuse, and Online Discussion

Every time I write about Catholicism, a certain set of commentators immediately invoke the child sex abuse scandals regardless of the issue at hand. This is particularly true if you say something positive about any aspect of the church. Given Pope Francis’ well-publicized and generally well-received comments, especially by people generally opposed to the church … Continue ReadingCardinal’s Law (A corollary of Godwin’s Law) – The Church, Sex Abuse, and Online Discussion