Cult of Compliance: 77 Year Old Blind Man Beaten by Police; Police Department says “Within Department Policies”

This case is from 2012, but I first noticed it on this DailyKos diary. It’s a perfect example of the “cult of compliance,” a phrase I’ve been using since 2013 to link otherwise discrete incidents of police brutality, creeping authoritarianism, and broader examples of cultural discourse that venerate compliance as the greatest of all virtues. … Continue ReadingCult of Compliance: 77 Year Old Blind Man Beaten by Police; Police Department says “Within Department Policies”

Sunday Roundup: Four Important Posts on Disability

I finished a major corporate (disability-related) project this week and am hard at work on a major non-profit (disability-related) project now. That, plus teaching, plus the book, has slowed me down in terms of writing for mainstream media, but I trust that the depth of these bigger projects is more than worth it. In the … Continue ReadingSunday Roundup: Four Important Posts on Disability

Civil Suits Against Police Under Attack – The Waning Power of Civil Law to Counter Police Violence

I’ve been away over the weekend, so am a bit behind on stories to write. I try not to write when spending family time on vacation! Ahead this week – apologies, deaths by taser, death by gunfire, thoughts on undergraduate achievement. I’m also writing about the Middle Ages, the local Zoo, public intellectuals, and the … Continue ReadingCivil Suits Against Police Under Attack – The Waning Power of Civil Law to Counter Police Violence

Mental Health and Policing – One Day’s News

Yesterday, CNN published a piece of mine on the death of Kristiana Coignard. Here’s how she died [warning – the video is very disturbing, so follow the link with caution]: In late January, Kristiana Coignard, a seventeen-year-old woman with bipolar disorder and depression, walked into the police department in Longwood, Texas, with “I have a … Continue ReadingMental Health and Policing – One Day’s News

#CultOfCompliance – Wheelchair Users Attacked by Police

Recently, video has surfaced of police trying to throw a man in a wheelchair from his chair. Allegedly, the individual ran over the officer’s foot. Here are some other incidents worth remembering. And these are just the ones caught on tape. Brian Sterner thrown from his wheelchair by an officer who thought he might be … Continue Reading#CultOfCompliance – Wheelchair Users Attacked by Police

Day in Court: Police Killers of Civilians Tried

District Attorney Kari Brandenburg decided to skip the grand jury process and charge the officers who killed James Boyd, a man with psychiatric disabilities, with murder. Grand juries don’t want to indict cops. Juries don’t want to convict cops. But at least there will be a day in court. Here’s what the defense will say: … Continue ReadingDay in Court: Police Killers of Civilians Tried