The Death of an Autistic Child in School

New: Restraint in schools and the death of #MaxBenson. “It shouldn’t take the death of a teenage boy to stop overuse of restraint in schools. But, given how ingrained such practices are in our educational systems, and the 120,000 kids experiencing restraint or seclusion each year, I’m worried this one death won’t be enough.”

Coroner Blames Autism. for the death a Latino Autistic Student held Upsidedown

Anthony Corona died after being placed with his head between his legs for twelve minutes. In the aftermath, the coronor at least partially blamed autism for his death. Following a physical confrontation with another student and after school employees’ attempts to restrain Corona failed, the bus driver pushed the teen’s shoulders down, forcing his head … Continue ReadingCoroner Blames Autism. for the death a Latino Autistic Student held Upsidedown

Michael Marshall – Homeless, Disabled, Black, In Custody, Dead from Prone Restraint

Michael Marshall is the latest victim of the Cult Of Compliance. Last November Marshall, who had schizophrenia, was placed into prone restraint and died, choking on his own vomit. This piece discusses the technique and links it to the death of Ethan Saylor and Eric Garner. Notice how the DA places blame for Marshall’s death … Continue ReadingMichael Marshall – Homeless, Disabled, Black, In Custody, Dead from Prone Restraint