Deaf in Prison: Marshall Project covers HEARD

Why #DeafInPrison Can’t Call Home.@MarshallProj covers HEARD’s years-long #PhoneJustice battle. — HEARD (@behearddc) September 19, 2017 Glad to see this from The Marshall Project. Right now, most deaf detainees and prisoners have absolutely no telecommunications access,” said Talila Lewis, volunteer director of the nonprofit Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf communities (HEARD), … Continue ReadingDeaf in Prison: Marshall Project covers HEARD

#CultOfCompliance: Disabled/Deaf People Killed for Non-Compliance and Disability Erasure

Two disabled men were killed by law enforcement over the last few days. Details are still emerging.  Both seem to be relatively young white men. Daniel Harris, in Charlotte NC, was Deaf and communicated via sign language. Joseph Weber, in Hays KA, has not been identified by diagnosis, but a local source tells me he … Continue Reading#CultOfCompliance: Disabled/Deaf People Killed for Non-Compliance and Disability Erasure

Korryn Gaines: Narratives of Race and Disability

Vilissa Thompson, one of the most important writers on race, gender, and disability, has written a powerful and moving piece on Korryn Gaines, the black disabled woman killed in Baltimore County recently. Thompson writes: To be Black, disabled, and female means that you always have eyes on you. You must be “on” at all times; … Continue ReadingKorryn Gaines: Narratives of Race and Disability