It strikes me that when Trump needs to criticize white people, he likes to quickly resort on ableism (as opposed to racism, and plus sexism when useful). Here’s his comment on Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense and recent critic of Trump:
Donald Trump launched a series of fierce attacks against former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Saturday.
“He’s a nasty guy. Probably has a problem that we don’t know about,” Trump said at a rally in an airplane hangar here.
I see that “problem we don’t know about” as suggesting that his “nastiness” is related to some kind of mental condition.
This isn’t, in the grand scheme of Trump insultapalooza, a big deal. I just like to track this stuff. And as a friend pointed out, Gates’ “beyond repair” could also be read as an ableist attack. Follow the “pathologizing Trump” tag for more on that.